Event Series Community-Wide Garage Sale

Community-Wide Garage Sale

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Gammelgården Museum will be participating in Scandia's Community-Wide Garage Sale. This is your opportunity to purchase items that have been donated to the museum. Proceeds from the sale will be used to support Gammelgården's programs.

Event Series Community-Wide Garage Sale

Community-Wide Garage Sale

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Gammelgården Museum will be participating in Scandia's Community-Wide Garage Sale. This is your opportunity to purchase items that have been donated to the museum. Proceeds from the sale will be used to support Gammelgården's programs.

Event Series Community-Wide Garage Sale

Community-Wide Garage Sale

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Gammelgården Museum will be participating in Scandia's Community-Wide Garage Sale. This is your opportunity to purchase items that have been donated to the museum. Proceeds from the sale will be used to support Gammelgården's programs.

Swedish Language Class – Beginning

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Back by popular demand! Signe Fluegel will be teaching two Swedish language classes on a new day - Sundays - from May 5th-June 23rd - a Beginning class (1:30 p.m.) and an Advancing class (2:30 p.m.) Note: There is no class on May 12th (Mother's Day) or May 26th (Memorial Day weekend). The classes are […]


Swedish Language Class – Advancing

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Back by popular demand! Signe Fluegel will be teaching two Swedish language classes on a new day - Sundays - from May 5th-June 23rd - a Beginning class (1:30 p.m.) and an Advancing class (2:30 p.m.) Note: There is no class on May 12th (Mother's Day) or May 26th (Memorial Day weekend). The classes are […]


New Exhibit by Gammelgården at the Washington County Historical Society

Washington County Heritage Center 1862 Greeley Street, Stillwater, MN, United States

Come see the new exhibit at the Washington County Historical Society's Heritage Center in Stillwater that is focused on Midsommardagen, Bluegrass & Lemonade, Spelmansstamman, Swedish music, and instruments. This exhibit will be up until August 21st.

National Day in Sweden

National Day is a day when Swedes celebrate the memory of the election of the nation's founding father, Gustav Vasa, on June 6, 1523. It was also on this day that a new constitution was adopted in 1809. The name was changed to Swedish Flag Day in 1983, but it wasn’t until 2005 that it […]

Tea with the Living History Society

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

A costumed narrator provides an overview of the history of tea in Western society. Tea is prepared as a demonstration and served at a tea table by other costumed interpreters in proper upper-class mid-nineteenth-century form. Commentary is provided concerning manners, language, the social hierarchy, and the kinds of accompaniments that would have been offered. Participants […]

Swedish Language Class – Beginning

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Back by popular demand! Signe Fluegel will be teaching two Swedish language classes on a new day - Sundays - from May 5th-June 23rd - a Beginning class (1:30 p.m.) and an Advancing class (2:30 p.m.) Note: There is no class on May 12th (Mother's Day) or May 26th (Memorial Day weekend). The classes are […]


Swedish Language Class – Advancing

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Back by popular demand! Signe Fluegel will be teaching two Swedish language classes on a new day - Sundays - from May 5th-June 23rd - a Beginning class (1:30 p.m.) and an Advancing class (2:30 p.m.) Note: There is no class on May 12th (Mother's Day) or May 26th (Memorial Day weekend). The classes are […]

Event Series Swedish Language Class – Beginning

Swedish Language Class – Beginning

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Back by popular demand! Signe Fluegel will be teaching two Swedish language classes on a new day - Sundays - from May 5th-June 23rd - a Beginning class (1:30 p.m.) and an Advancing class (2:30 p.m.) Note: There is no class on May 12th (Mother's Day) or May 26th (Memorial Day weekend). The classes are […]

Event Series Swedish Language Class – Beginning

Swedish Language Class – Advancing

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Back by popular demand! Signe Fluegel will be teaching two Swedish language classes on a new day - Sundays - from May 5th-June 23rd - a Beginning class (1:30 p.m.) and an Advancing class (2:30 p.m.) Note: There is no class on May 12th (Mother's Day) or May 26th (Memorial Day weekend). The classes are […]
