Volunteer at Gammelgården Museum of Scandia! There are many ways to share your talents:

Become a Tour Guide. Our tour guides are trained and scheduled at their convenience to lead groups, school children, or individuals through our historic buildings. Tours are scheduled from May through mid-October.

Assist with Children’s Programs and Activities. Help or teach children simple art projects, crafts, and other activities at public events and camp programs.

Be a Greeter. Welcome visitors to Gammelgården and answer their questions.

Help in the Butik. Arrange and style merchandise; assist customers in finding just the right item to remember their time at Gammelgården; and complete transactions. Contact Linnea in the Butik for more information at 651-433-5053.

Be on the Gammelgården Garden Team. Prepare, plant, and weed the museum’s vegetable, fruit, and herb garden; medicinal garden; and dye garden. Contact Brittany for more information at volunteer@gammelgardenmuseum.org.

Assist with events such as the Open House, Midsommardagen, Spelmansstämman, Taco Daze, Running of the Meatballs, Annie’s Coffee Parties, and Luciadagen. Help with set-up and take-down, food, and activities.

To help with the demonstrations and children’s activities, see the “Assist with Children’s Programs” sign-up above.

Help with building and grounds maintenance, and general museum projects. Throughout the year, volunteers assist with keeping the buildings and grounds looking well-maintained and beautiful for guests. This can include dusting, vacuuming, organizing, and historic preservation as well as other tasks depending on the time of the year.

Questions? Contact us today! Call 651-433-5053 or email Brittany at volunteer@gammelgardenmuseum.org

Stay Informed Via Email

We would like to have you on our e-mail list so we can send you our e-newsletter, the Kul News.
Fill out the forms below to be added to our e-mail list.

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Stay Informed Via Mail

We would like to have you on our mailing list.  Much of what we produce in way of communication will be sent by email (such as Kul News or event invites), but we also have a physical mailing list for periodic mailings for the gift shop and museum news.

Fill out the forms below to be added to our mailing list.

Be on the Mailing List

Opportunities for Artists and Students

2024 has many opportunities for artists (professional and hobbyists) and students (public, private, charter, and homeschool). See below for more information.

Artists & Crafters Fair and Demonstration Area at Major Events 

Gammelgården Museum of Scandia would like to extend an invitation to individuals who would like to be demonstrators, sell their products, and/or have an information table at any or all of Gammelgården’s major events this summer:

–        Opening Day (May 4th)

–        Midsommardagen (June 22nd)

–        Spelmansstämman (August 17th)

You are welcome to do demonstrations, hands-on activities with guests, and/or sell items that are in a variety of traditions (e.g., blacksmithing, folk painting, weaving, spinning, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, candlemaking, coopering, tinwork, hide tanning, pottery, copperwork, woodworking, chip carving, sewing, quilting, bookmaking, photography) or related to heirloom gardening and nature.

All the proceeds you make at the event are yours to keep…Gammelgården does not take a percentage of what you earn.

All participants bring their own tables, chairs, tent, and other supplies. Gammelgården provides the space.

Although there is no fee for being at any of the event(s), we appreciate it if you consider becoming a member of the museum.

Below are the forms for 2024:

Guidelines for Event Vendors and Demonstrators

2024 Artists and Crafters Application Form

2024 Junior Guides

Students who have graduated from 6th grade through college volunteer as assistants and historical characters at the many events at Gammelgården Museum of Scandia during the spring and summer seasons.

At the popular Opening Day Weekend (Saturday, May 4th) and Midsommardagen (Saturday, June 22nd), Junior Guides involve visitors with 19th-century immigrant life on this small farm in Scandia. They provide guidance to children who are packing a trunk at the Stuga for their journey to America, assist with “milking” cows at the barn, show children how to make butter, help children carry water at the Immigrant Hus, and guide visitors as they learn how laundry was done at the parsonage. Junior Guides also teach visitors Swedish folk dances and school recess games, plus how to make flower wreaths.

In addition to festivals, Junior Guides participate in day camps during the summer. They can learn gardening skills by working in Gammelgarden’s many gardens, maintain the bluebird house trail, and help create videos for TikTok and Facebook.

For those wanting to volunteer during the school year, there are weekend events throughout the fall and winter including craft workshops, Annie’s Coffee Parties, and Luciadagen.

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, email Gammelgården’s Volunteer Coordinator, Brittany Huey, at volunteer@gammelgardenmuseum.org to sign up as a Junior Guide and get more information.

Spring/Summer Internship (On Hold)

If you are a high school senior or college student looking to explore the field of non-profit management or work in a history museum setting, Gammelgården’s internship program may be worth exploring! Gammelgården selects one student each year to provide a workplace-based guided learning opportunity that gives a student hands-on experience in a wide range of fields.

Visit this link for more information: Gammelgarden Intern Job Description

If the internship sounds like a good fit, email Gammelgården’s Director, Ann Rinkenberger, at director@gammelgardenmuseum.org with your resume and letter of interest

Membership Options

Since 1972, members of the Gammelgården Museum of Scandia have provided support to help bring our mission alive. Through the generosity of our members, Gammelgården can honor the Swedish immigrants who founded the community.

Member support helps make the events, programs, and classes offered by the museum accessible and affordable to all. If you are not a member, please consider becoming a member today! As a member, you receive benefits all year long, including free guided tours, 10% discount at the Gammelgården Museum of Scandia Butik, special pricing for select events and classes, and more depending on your membership level.


$45 – Individual

$60 – Family

 10% discount at Scandia Batik
•  Free guided tours of museum
 Member pricing for select events/classes/workshops
 Membership Appreciation Day
Access to the Time Travelers Network


$90 – Individual

$120 – Family

•  10% discount at Scandia Butik
•  Free guided tours of museum
Member pricing for select events/classes/workshops
Membership Appreciation Day
Two free guest passes per year
•  Access to the Time Travelers Network


$130 – Individual

$170 – Family

•  10% discount at Scandia Butik
•  Free guided tours of museum
Member pricing for select events/classes/workshops
Membership Appreciation Day
Four free guest passes per year
One free individual Supporter membership, per year, for family member or friend
 Access to the Time Travelers Network


$850 – Individual

$1100 – Family

•  10% discount at Scandia Butik
•  Free guided tours of museum
Member pricing for select events/classes/workshops
Membership Appreciation Day
Eight free guest passes per year
Annual Gammelgarden Christmas ornament
Annual Director’s Gathering
Two additional free individual Supporter membership, redeemable within first year of membership in the Life category
 Access to the Time Travelers Network

2024 Capital Campaign

Gammelgården Museum is conducting a $50,000 capital campaign from January 1-December 31, 2024. There are four main components of the campaign: Historical Buildings and Artifacts; Accessibility and Safety: Office Equipment: and Conservation Fund.

Click here to see a PowerPoint presentation about the capital campaign: Gammelgarden Museum’s 2024 Capital Campaign. To read a summary of the main components, please see below.

To make a donation (one time, semi-annual, or monthly), complete a Capital Campaign Donation Form:

Capital Campaign Donation Form – PDF

Capital Campaign Donation Form – Microsoft Word

Email the donation form to Ann at director@gammelgardenmuseum.org or mail it to: Ann Rinkenberger, Director, Gammelgården Museum, P.O. Box 62, Scandia, MN  55073.

Summary of Gammelgården’s 2024 Capital Campaign


  • Restore Some of the Historical Buildings.
    • The doors of the Gammelkrykan (Old Church) are warped and the walls are bowing.
    • Repaint the artwork on the Stuga door and barn quilt on the Barn.
  • Safeguard the Collection.
    • The collection consists of over 3,300 artifacts stored in closets, dressers, bins, cardboard boxes, and the basement. Funds from the campaign will help securing appropriate storage for the artifacts.
  • Create a Digital Collection Management System.
    • Transfer information from paper records to a computer system.
    • Complete an inventory of all artifacts and assess their condition.
    • Photograph each artifact and share them (along with a description of the artifacts) on a searchable database on the museum’s website and on social media.


  • Begin Work on Accessible Pathways to Link All Buildings.
  • Replace Ramps on the South and West Sides of the Välkommen Hus (Welcome House).
  • Install New Lighting.
    • The new system will provide better lighting in the Välkommen Hus (Welcome House) for visitors while protecting the artifacts.
  • Install Push Bars on the Välkommen Hus (Welcome House) Doors.
  • Create an Emergency Kit including an AED.
  • Add Motion-Detector Lights for the Parking Lot.


  • Provide Work Spaces and Equipment for New and Additional Staff.
  • Create a Reference Library.
    • Available for visitors, volunteers, and staff.
    • Makes available existing reference books and secures new educational resources for people of all ages.


  • Establish a Conservation Fund.
    Reserve funds will be available for ongoing conservation projects to maintain the artifacts. These funds make proactive maintenance possible even in lean. years and protect against the deferral of important restoration projects.
Online Auction – November 30-December 8, 2024

Gammelgården Museum is having an online auction from November 30-December 8, 2024! Visit the auction site to bid on items that have been generously donated by businesses, organizations, and individuals.

Many thanks to the following auction donors:

(Donors are as of October 2024. The donor list will be updated as more donations are received.)

All monies raised from the online auction support the museum’s:

  • Collection which consists of over 3,300 artifacts. Money raised will help secure museum-quality storage for the artifacts, and be used to restore or repair those artifacts needing immediate attention.
  • Historic buildings that require updates and repairs. Ongoing maintenance of the five historic buildings is critical to ensuring their longevity so current and future generations can see and learn from the past.

You can help support the auction and Gammelgården not only by bidding on items, but by sharing the event with family and friends. We are looking forward to a great event!!

Bidding opens at 12:00 noon on November 30th at the online auction link  and will close on December 8th at 11:30 pm.

Sponsors of Gammelgården Museum’s
Santa & Snowflakes Online Auction 

Artifact Donations

Gammelgården Museum of Scandia welcomes donations and appreciates your willingness to share artifacts and their stories. There are guidelines that help you (the donor) and Gammelgården in making the decision to donate. The artifacts we accept need to tell the story of Swedish immigration to Minnesota, especially pre-1850s to mid-1880s, as that is our focus; or relating to the Peter Magnus Nelson family who lived in the Prastgård  (Pastor’s Home).

Often, artifacts are presented to us as gifts of love because they represent family members now departed, but much loved and revered. We always are honored to receive the artifact and the story.

Artifacts become the property of Gammelgården, and Gammelgården reserves the right to display and preserve them to the benefit of our mission.

When accepted, the artifacts are carefully described, catalogued, and marked. Donors receive a receipt letter of thanks and a record of items donated with their catalog numbers. Gammelgården does not attach a monetary value to artifact gifts.

The first step to donating an artifact to the museum is to complete the form below and email it to Ann Rinkenberger at director@gammelgardenmuseum.org. Then there will be a conversation between the donor and the director to ascertain if it is an appropriate gift to the museum.

Monetary Donations

When you support Gammelgården Museum, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, you make inspiration and discovery happen. You ensure that the stories of the past are preserved and accessible for generations to come.

Making a monetary gift to the Museum gives vital support where it is needed the most – enhancing programming for the public, preserving our collection, and making our historical resources accessible to all. To do this work, we rely on the support of generous donors like you. Please make a gift today.

Donations may be made online through Square (using the Donate Online button below for a one-time gift).

Donors also may make a donation through Give to the Max/GiveMN (one-time or monthly donation options; methods of payment accepted: credit cards, PayPal, Venmo, Google Pay, and donor-advised funds).

Checks (made payable to Gammelgården Museum of Scandia) should be mailed to:

Gammelgården Museum of Scandia
20880 Olinda Trail North
P.O. Box 62
Scandia, MN 55073

Make sure to check with your employer to see if your company participates in a Employer Matching Gift Program.

Every year, generous corporate and individual sponsors help fund specific Gammelgården Museum programs and capital projects. These contributions are critical to the Museum’s ability to:

(1) maintain and restore its five historic buildings,

(2) provide the community with engaging exhibitions, and

(3) maintain and preserve a collection of over 3,300 artifacts.

The high quality of Museum programs and events directly reflects the generosity of businesses, corporations, and the community.

Leverage the Museum’s Visibility

Support Gammelgården Museum while simultaneously strengthening your company’s position in the region and demonstrating a commitment to the community.

The Museum is one of eight open-air museums throughout Minnesota, and is the only one of this type in Washington County. Focusing on history, art, and culture, Gammelgården is the singular open-air museum devoted to preserving, presenting, and promoting Swedish immigrant heritage in the United States. 

Housed in five historic buildings and a visitor center on the historic gammelgården, or old farm, where the community of Scandia was first established, Gammelgården invites visitors to step back in time, experience the stories of Swedish immigrants, and relate them to their own family immigration stories.

Because of its unique programs and focus, Gammelgården is one of the largest tourist attractions in Scandia and northern Washington County, and a viable source of economic development. The demographics of Museum visitors constitute an attractive consumer profile. Sponsoring exhibitions or events allows a business to reach this pool of potential customers, increasing visibility while taking advantage of positive associations the Museum has for the public.


Exhibition sponsors participate in the presentation of historical and cultural programming. In 2024, Gammelgården will organize approximately 12 exhibitions exploring a wide range of themes, media, and artifacts from its collection. The season exhibit is displayed in the Passage Room of the Welcome House (Valkommen Hus); and smaller exhibitions are shown throughout the Welcome House on its first and second levels.

Community and Special Events 

Many unique events are held at Gammelgården Museum each year. Sponsors fund one-time events, annual events (such as Season Opening Day, Midsommardagen, Spelmansstamman, and Luciadagen, Life Member Event, and the Volunteer/Member Appreciation Party), and ongoing series such as Bluegrass & Lemonade.

Gammelgården Museum also has opportunities for businesses, corporations, and organizations to sponsor activities at events (e.g., bringing farm animals in for people to learn about and pet; hands-on arts or crafts activities).

Educational Programming

Education is crucial to encouraging a love of history, art, and culture. Viewing artifacts and artwork from the 1850s-1880s at Gammelgården is enjoyable, but visitors to the Museum have a richer experience when they understand context: how was an item or piece of art created? Why?

Museum programs challenge viewers to witness the world from different perspectives, to learn about cultural history, and to express themselves in creative ways. Sponsors make possible these learning opportunities that stretch the minds, hearts, and souls of people of all ages.

Community Outreach

Thanks to program sponsors, Gammelgården Museum is a resource for the entire Scandia and northern Washington County, and southern Chisago County communities. The Museum provides neighborhood-based history and art programming throughout the region, partnering with other elementary schools in the Forest Lake School District and Stillwater School District as well as charter schools and homeschools; Washington County Libraries; and many assisted living and senior centers.

Sponsor Recognition

Through promotional efforts, Gammelgården strives to achieve the highest possible number of impressions for business and corporate sponsors. The Museum reaches audiences through print ads, distributed print materials, direct mail, monthly electronic newsletter, website postings, social media postings, and press releases.

All sponsorships are for one year and renewable.

Become a Sponsor

Sponsorships may be made by completing the Gammelgården Museum of Scandia Sponsorship Form, writing a check (made payable to Gammelgården Museum of Scandia), and mailing it to:

Gammelgården Museum of Scandia
20880 Olinda Trail North
P.O. Box 62
Scandia, MN 55073

Memorial Donations

Memorial gifts can be designated for specific purposes or added to the Gammelgården Endowment Fund which provides annual income in perpetuity for operation.

Please make checks payable to Gammelgården Museum of Scandia. In the memo line, note the purpose (e.g., General Operating, Children’s Programs, Scholarships, Endowment Fund, Building Maintenance, Conservation Fund).

Donations should be mailed to:

Gammelgården Museum of Scandia
20880 Olinda Trail North
P.O. Box 62
Scandia, MN 55073

Each monetary gift is acknowledged with a thank you receipt for your tax records.

Wishlist – Products

Gammelgarden knows how to stretch a dollar and pinch pennies to make things happen, but sometimes the things we need to take it to the next level are just beyond our reach. We’ve made a list of some of the pressing things we need.


Mobility scooter so that all visitors to Gammelgarden can enjoy museum:

ADA-accessible doors

Building & Grounds/Office  

8 ½ X 11 White Copy Paper

Baby wipes

Desktop Fans (2)

Desktop Heater (3)

Disinfectant wipes and spray

Gift Cards To:

Gaylord Archival (for storing and protecting artifacts)
Office Supply Store
Prairie Restorations
Landscape Alternatives
Sherwin Williams

Ice melt


Plastic bins (various sizes) to store supplies

Postage Stamps

Trash Bags (45 Gallon/2 Ml)

Children’s Programming  

Air-dry clay (white)

Items for a nature-theme discovery bin:

  • Animal skulls
  • Animal tracks
  • Magnifying glasses

Items for hands-on activities at play area in the Welcome House:

Old children’s games (e.g., marbles,  cup & ball, spinning tops) for use at public events

Prizes for children (for use with the scavenger hunt)

Sensory table

Weaving loom (Need 6)


Beeswax pellets

Beeswax sheets and candle wicks for making rolled candles (10 sets)

Large round wooden spools

Jenga (large/yard size)

Oversized lawn games



Needlefelting Needles and Holder (12)

Wool for Needlefelting

Coffee (Starbucks, ground)


 A receipt for tax-deduction purposes will be provided with each donation.


Wish list – Volunteer 

Woodworker or handyman to create photo props for public events, props for historic buildings, wood with plexiglass cubes to display some artifacts, and historic-looking building to hold outdoor chairs, tables, and other equipment

Seamstress to create some replica outfits to display in historic buildings and for costumes for children to try on during the camp programs

Employment Opportunities

Please contact Ann Rinkenberger at director@gammelgardenmuseum.org for more information about available employment opportunities and to submit your resume.

For those not seeking employment but are interested in being involved with the museum, Gammelgården also welcomes adult volunteers and Junior Guides (6th graders-college students).