Emigrant’s Attest (Emigrant’s Certificate)
This Emigrant’s Certificate shows a person’s name, birthdate, marriage information, that s/he has been vaccinated, the level of reading ability, and children’s names.
This Emigrant’s Attest (Emigrant’s Certificate) is for Kristina Flustrom Nordin who was born on November 28, 1865. She was born, baptized, and married in Näskott Parish in Sweden. She married Jonas Johansson Nordin on November 24, 1889, when she was just 4 days shy of her 24th birthday.
Kristina was vaccinated, read well, and possessed good religious instruction. The document showed she had received communion in the Swedish church and was still a part of it.
The certificate was signed on April 14, 1893, when she was 27 years old. It was signed by J.O. Eostrom, her pastor.
Categories: All Artifacts, Immigration
Tags: certificate, immigration, paper