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Canceled – Elsa Beskow Day Camp – Bringing Swedish Literature Alive

July 24, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Elsa Beskow was a Swedish children’s book author and illustrator who was often called the ‘Beatrix Potter’ of Scandinavia. She published forty books with her own text and images.

Beskow frequently combined reality with elements from the fairy tale world. Children meet elves or goblins, and farm animals talk with people. Central themes were the relationships between children and adults and children’s independent initiative. Her work “depicted a happy home atmosphere in the Swedish countryside of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.”

In the July camp, campers listen to and do hands-on activities related to images and/or text in Children of the Forest (1910) and Emily and Daisy (1941).

Each day of Elsa Beskow Camp, campers have opportunities do fun, hands-on learning at the Discovery Stations; have lunch and recess; and play pioneer games.


Other sessions and projects during the July Elsa Beskow Camp include:


Children of the Forest

– Learn all about owls and discover what type of food they eat by dissecting an owl pellet.

– Discover two types of food that are grown in the wild: mushrooms and blueberries. Make a Swedish blueberry drink.

– Explore the pond and discover what wildlife, aquatic life, and insects make Gammelgården their home. See a collection of aquatic insects.

– Learn about the difference between wild and domestic rabbits, and see domestic rabbits up close.

– Hear fascinating facts about frogs and then make a pop-up frog card.

– Explore the Old Church/One-Room Schoolhouse and Immigrant House and learn how they were built. Try to build a small log structure like the early settlers would have done.


Emily and Daisy

– Learn about cows and see where they would have lived in Gammelgården’s barn. See museum artifacts from the Scandia Creamery. Taste and compare different types of milk: cow, goat, oat, and almond.

– See how early settlers transformed wood into fences, spoons, and artwork with simple tools. Create a one-of-a-kind item using scrap wood!

– Search for clover, wild strawberries, and other small plants in the open fields and restored prairie.

– Learn how Swedish biologist and physician Carl Linnaeus developed a system to name over 12,000 species of plants and animals. Touch and hold rubber replicas of fish to explore the six senses of fish and understand how those senses influence behavior. Using the Japanese art form of gyotaku, use paint to transfer the image of the fish onto a sheet of paper.

– Discover dogs of the world and their countries of origin. Learn about the Swedish Lapphund that was used by the Sami people for herding and guarding their reindeer; and the Jämthund, also known as the Swedish Elkhound, a breed of dog that closely resembles their ancestor – the wolf.

– Explore the kitchen or cooking areas of the Pastor’s House (Prast Hus) and Peasants Cottage (Stuga) and see how cooking was done with wood. See recipes and sample food from the Housekeepers Cookbook, a book in Gammelgården’s collection from 1894.


  • Offered: Wednesday and Thursday, July 24-25, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • Ages: Children entering first grade through sixth grade.
  • Fee: $130 members/$145 non-members (all supplies included).
  • Register: Register at Gammelgården’s EventBrite page.
  • Registration Deadline: July 3. Limited to 20 children.
  • Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Make your reservation early to guarantee a spot. A waiting list will be kept for the camp.
  • Registration closes 3 weeks before the camp begins.


Please note:

  • Please ensure that campers come prepared with a lunch, a water bottle, sun protection, and a change of clothes and shoes. If rain is forecasted, include a rain jacket. It’s important that children have appropriate clothing for outdoor activities and art projects, and can change into dry clothes if needed.
  • Camp starts at 9 a.m., so children should be dropped off 10-15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Prior to 8:45 a.m., parents may watch their children play on the playground next to Gammelgården.
  • Pick-up is promptly at 3 p.m.
  • Cancellation Policy: Up to 3 weeks before the event – 50% refund. Under 3 weeks before the event, no refunds.


July 24, 2024
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia
20880 Olinda Trail North
Scandia, MN 55073 United States
+ Google Map


July 24, 2024
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia
20880 Olinda Trail North
Scandia, MN 55073 United States
+ Google Map