Mors Dag (Mother’s Day) in Sweden

Glad Mors Dag (glawd mohrs dawg) or Happy Mother’s Day! In Sweden, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. Mothers in Sweden prefer to receive fresh flowers […]

Event Series Community-Wide Garage Sale

Community-Wide Garage Sale

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Gammelgården Museum will be participating in Scandia’s Community-Wide Garage Sale. This is your opportunity to purchase items that have been donated to the museum. Proceeds from the sale will be […]

Event Series Community-Wide Garage Sale

Community-Wide Garage Sale

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Gammelgården Museum will be participating in Scandia’s Community-Wide Garage Sale. This is your opportunity to purchase items that have been donated to the museum. Proceeds from the sale will be […]

Event Series Community-Wide Garage Sale

Community-Wide Garage Sale

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Gammelgården Museum will be participating in Scandia’s Community-Wide Garage Sale. This is your opportunity to purchase items that have been donated to the museum. Proceeds from the sale will be […]

National Day in Sweden

National Day is a day when Swedes celebrate the memory of the election of the nation's founding father, Gustav Vasa, on June 6, 1523. It was also on this day […]

Crocheted Granny Squares

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

Get inspired by the fiber arts trend that's always in style: Crocheted Granny Squares! These simple-to-make crocheted squares can be used alone or multiplied to make everything from small purses […]

Event Series Fiber Arts Club

Fiber Arts Club

Gammelgarden Museum of Scandia 20880 Olinda Trail North, Scandia, MN, United States

The Fiber Arts Club at Gammelgården Museum will meet from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. Bring a project you're working on, and join […]