Lines from Lynne – from the December 2022 Kul News


Greetings to All!

One of the oldest truths is “Nothing is as constant as change.” For all of us, this has been particularly true since Covid began in 2020 and made changes in everything – work habits and locations; and social, educational, family, and worship experiences. Gradually, we all have made changes; some we like, some not so much, but we understand the need for the change.

Gammelgården, too, has made many changes since 2020: our scheduling and hosting of events; shopping in the Butik; communicating with members, supporters, and friends; staffing; and board leadership. Indeed, nothing is as constant as change!

During all of these changes, many people have been dedicated and generous with resources to keep Gammelgården alive, open, and providing events and programs faithful to our mission and tradition. I am most grateful to all of them. These are people who have become new staff members, new Board members, weekly greeters, Butik volunteers, tour guides, coffee party hostesses, school class helpers, Lucia worship leaders, and technical gurus.

The reward is the continual presence of Gammelgården for the public as a welcoming place and keeper of Swedish traditions for 50 years. We all have learned that people need social interaction and touch-stone traditions.

Looking to 2023 and the next 50 years, there will be changes for Gammelgården; some will be planned and managed, and some will come as a surprise. For the near future, we are planning:
– the calendar of weekend events for February and March;
– the return of children’s programs during the summer;
– more and better use of social media;
– new building signage;
– continued building and grounds maintenance;
– re-building our volunteer corps;
– more interaction with our Sister City – Mellerud, Sweden;
– more opportunities to partner with other museums/preservation groups in the community and watershed area; and
– re-building our staff.

We take lessons from our immigrant forbearers to learn how to navigate and adapt to a new landscape but remain true to our heritage. I look forward to greeting you as a visitor, a new volunteer, a new member, and/or a new supporter.