Påsöm Styled Mittens
This is a pair of mittens that are embroidered on the top and thumbs. It is a lovely example of the embroidery known as Påsöm – the traditional embroidery of Dala-Floda, Dalarna, Sweden that began in the mid-1800s.
Using brightly colored wool yarn, these intricate flowers embellish garments worn by men and women and give evidence of the skill of the embroiderer.
During the mid-1800s, a boom occurred in the parish, as large amounts of forest were felled. As a result of the income, the use of folk dress/costumes took off again, unlike in many other Dala parishes. Påsöm-embroidered mittens, brim rings, and braces often were a gift from the bride to her future husband.
During the 1930s, Påsöm was a significant source of income for the district. The majority of women embroidered on merit. It was fashionable to have wool yarn embroidered textiles in homes – such as draperies, rocking chair rugs, shelf strips, and desktop wallpapers.
Categories: All Artifacts, Clothing, Fiber Arts
Tags: artifact, embroidery, Påsöm, Swedish mittens, wool mittens, yarn mittens