Sami Hat
This is an adult Sami woman’s winter hat that is in Gammelgarden’s collection. It is made from manufactured knitted wool and has a traditional square shape. The hat features the colors of the Sami flag (red, blue, green, and yellow). These colors represent the Sami people (red symbolizes the sun; blue represents the moon; and yellow and green are symbols of nature and animals).
This hat is fully lined with manufactured cotton flannel. The lining often was made using worn-out clothing or soft animal fur. Clothes were made and worn for protection from the winter weather as well as to identify and celebrate Sami heritage. Gifted by Eleanor Edman in 2021.
Categories: All Artifacts, Clothing, Clothing - Accessories, Fiber Arts, Indigenous Art
Tags: artifact, clothes, clothing, fiber, fiber art, handmade, indigenous art, sami, sewing, winter